
The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman
The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman

The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman

I would recommend this as one of the first books you should read if you are brand new to business and/or are considering an MBA. The Personal MBA touched on nearly all the essential things I learned in the school of business during my undergraduate years. This is one of the most comprehensive books I have read on business. It all depends on yours goals and situation.

The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman

Rather than spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn complex financial models and PowerPoint building, you can educate yourself, gain real-world experience, and be just as good or better. On top of that, Josh dives into the MBA and discusses the pros and cons to help provide you with the blunt reality of business schools. How to understand, analyze, and improve systems.In fact, he explores 248 concepts across all areas of business. His goal with this book is to give a comprehensive overview of the foundational business concepts you can use to get things done, whether that is running your own business or improving your skills if you are an employee of a business. The Personal MBA is your business handbook that can act as an alternative to an MBA.Īuthor Josh Kaufman talks about how many people assume that they need to attend business school to learn how to build a successful business or advance their career. Before working on the Personal MBA full-time, he had a great start to a corporate career with several years at P&G. He read and researched deeply on the aspects of business before launching his Personal MBA blog.

The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman

He skipped business school, but not business education.

  • About the author: Josh Kaufman is a bestselling author with three books: The Personal MBA, The First 20 Hours, and How to Fight Hydra.

  • The Personal MBA by Josh Kaufman